
The Zodiac StonesTM

Symbols are powerful.  Just like the written word, a symbol has a meaning and carries a vibration.  The Zodiac Stonesโ„ข use astrological symbols and their inherent meanings to enhance particular properties of the respective crystals or stones. 

If you can identify what area of life you would like to improve, you can use this book to find the right Phoenix Stonesโ„ข for you. 

The Zodiac Stonesโ„ข : Combining the Power of Astrological Symbols with Crystals & Stones to Enhance Your Life

by Jenni Webb

Paperback Book release October 16, 2023. Available on and on my website, click here.

For SAMPLE pages, click here.

For PDF book, click here.

Coming Soon! Stone Readings

Which Zodiac Stonesโ„ข do you need? Soon, I will be offering Stone Readings. Based on your natal astrology chart, I recommend stones that can help enhance your potentials, learn from life lessons and smooth over difficult areas.

Click here to learn more.